We wish everyone a holiday season filled with light and joy, and a New Year that challenges and deepens our practice, enriching our lives with wisdom and understanding. May your coming year be filled with the
four immeasurables: lovingkindness, compassion, sympathetic joy, and equanimity.
Here are details of the holiday schedule for the group:
- The Ordinary Mind group will meet Sunday, December 11 as usual, although Peg will be in rohatsu sesshin (intensive) at Austin Zen Center.
- There will be no Monday evening sitting on the 12th.
- From December 18 through January 1 the Ordinary Mind Zen group will not have formal sittings during the holidays.
- However, on December 18 the Zendo will be open at the regular time for two periods of silent sitting.
- From January 5-January 9 there will be a workshop at the Zendo on the Right Use of Power, with Cedar Barstow, so on January 8 and 9th there will be no meeting of the Ordinary Mind Zen group. For more information about this workshop, or to register, contact Rebecca Lincoln at 512.589.9822.
- From December 15 through January 4, Peg will be on private retreat, out of phone or email contact.
- The following week the normal schedule resumes.