One-day events for 2006
This year, Ordinary Mind Zen will begin offering one-day sittings every other month, beginning in February. These are intended to provide an opportunity to deepen our practice together. The format will begin with the regular Sunday program at 8:00 AM. At 10:00, those who wish to leave will go while those who are staying take a short break for tea. Sitting will then resume until the break for a brown bag lunch. In the afternoon we will continue zazen, and there will also be a short work period and a talk with Q&A. We'll end at 5:00, and for those who wish to, we can have an optional supper out together afterwards. Zazen periods will be 30 minutes, with kinhin (walking meditation) in between sitting periods. At the end of the day, we will have some time to share reflections. Here are the dates for the one-day sittings:
February 19
April 23
June 18
August 20
October 22
December 3
Please contact me if you would like more information. Any suggestions for these one-day sittings would be welcome!
February 19
April 23
June 18
August 20
October 22
December 3
Please contact me if you would like more information. Any suggestions for these one-day sittings would be welcome!