Thursday, June 21, 2007

Visit to Joko

Dear Sangha-

Visiting with Joko is a real joy. We have been chatting about teaching and learning, about Zen practice, and about sesshins (practice intensives). She looks very well, with good color and bright eyes that show her endless interest and curiosity. She works out on the pilates machine and lifts weights with a trainer. It’s a good time to talk with her about sesshins, as they are just planning the July sesshin for Prescott. I will take pictures of the new zendo, which is absolutely gorgeous, and post them as soon as I am able to. She has just received a copy of the book On Having No Head by Douglas Harding, which she had mentioned in a talk. There is also a DVD, which he sent her. She has phone hours in the morning, and then we chat in the afternoons and evenings. She has a standing offer for any Ordinary Mind sangha members in Austin or the Brownsville group to call her for practice discussion. It is very difficult to get through during her phone hours, but if you are persistent you can manage it. If you are interested, please let me know and I will give you the contact information.


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